Saturday, February 2, 2013

Nanna's 90th present

Question: What do you get a 90 yr old who requested no presents for her birthday...???

Nothing. You make something - to eat. 

My husbands Nanna turned 90 yesterday. She is the best Nanna you could wish for. Generous. Sweet. Loving and most of all she loves spending time with her great grandchildren. Because of this I decided she needed to have something nice to eat when she is having a cup of tea or wants a yummy bite. So I made Peanut butter cookies. These are roll out cookies and they taste divine. The second day around they actually don't taste too peanut buttery - they taste like shortbread. At least to me they did. 

I also bought some Reese's peanut butter cups and a couple packs of Nutter Butter biscuits. 

I surprised her by turning up when she wasn't expecting anyone to come over to visit. She loved it too. I am sure it will take her a while to eat them all but that is okay. She deserves something special for just herself. 

If you are interested in the recipe I got it here - Created by Diane. My tip is if you do use this recipe for roll out cookies you put he dough in the fridge. I could not roll out the first batch I made - it was too soft. Second batch was easy to cut out. Good luck. 

1 comment:

Kays Kids said...

I'm sure she will enjoy her cuppa all the more with the biscuits.